We continued on to New River Beach Provincial Park, New Brunswick just past St.John. By then it was still sunny but very cool, because we were right at the Bay of Fundy. We were on our way home so from…

Heading Home

Prince Edward Island
Our next destination was Prince Edward Island, where we booked a couple of nights at Astrid’s bed and breakfast. For Heinz and me P.E.I. is the one Province of Canada that we have not seen. We took a scenic ride…

Back on the Rock
Well, now I really have to catch up on my writing! After so many days with either very slow internet or none at all it is about time. Monday Aug.7th we said our good byes to the staff and our…

Battle Harbour
After a very restful night at the Riverlodge Hotel we deposited most of our stuff and our bikes on their premises and walked down to the ferry dock. We had booked 2 nights to spend on Battle Harbour Island and…

Labrador – The Big Land
Baie Comeau, not a very attractive town, probably only famous for the town where Brian Mulroney grew up and for us just a night to spend!! Next day we had a 7 hour trip to Labrador City in front of…

On To New Adventures – Going East
Day 4 of our next bike trip and it is time to start a new blog. It feels exciting to travel again. This time we’ve expanded our twosome to a threesome meaning our good friend Jane on her newly acquired…
Happy Birthday Canada
Here it is, the big birthday. Canada is 150 years old as a confederation. It has a special meaning to me and it ties my journey in life to Canada. We (my wife, son and myself) came to Canada when…

Home Again
Last week Tuesday we left our cozy place in Melbourne beach, Florida to ride home. The weather was still wonderfully sunny and warm. On that day we made it to Savannah, Georgia to spend the night at the Travellodge Suites.…

Back to the Land Of Plenty
Last week on Tuesday night we finally left Santiago. Our mood was partly sad and partly excited. This, after all, was the unofficial End of our trip. Maria and Rafael had been kind enough to drive us to the airport.…

Last Day in South America
I am sitting on my cousin’s patio in beautiful Santiago on our last day in South America. Last Sunday we arrived here from Mendoza, Argentina and again were welcomed with open arms. They were happy to have us back! Monday…