Don't lose your dreams to protect your days


As part of our trip we try to raise awareness and funds to support SOS Childrens Villages and Plan Canada. If you want to support our trip please consider contributing to those charities. It will make the world a better place.


Donate for SOS Children's Villages


Donate for Plan Canada "Because I am a Girl"
SOS Childrens Villages

At the most fundamental level, providing adequate investments that enable children to thrive is a moral imperative, and investing in a child is to invest in society’s future. Most would agree that there could be no more compelling argument than that.

Children are the ones who are very vital for deciding how the world is gonna be after some years. So if one can do some good in the life of a child then there can be change, at least a slightest change, in the world to come. And if most of them think on same lines then we can hope of a better future ahead. The main component which decides how the person is going to be in the future or the present is the amount of education he/she has within them.Plan Canada









One hundred years from now,
It will not matter,
What kind of car I drove,

What kind of house I lived in,
How much I had in my bank,
Nor what my clothes looked like.

One hundred years from now,
It will not matter,
What kind of school I attended,
What kind of typewriter I used,
How large or small my church.

But the world may be. . .
A little better because. . .
I was important in the life of a child.

~Author Unknown.

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