Don't lose your dreams to protect your days

Contact Us

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30 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Sonja und Familie

    Liebe Feli, lieber Heinz,
    oh, wie spannend ist das :-). Wir wünschen Euch einen tollen Start für Eure spannende Reise und sind in Gedanken bei Euch.
    Alles Liebe, Sonja & Co.

  2. Axel Schukey

    Hallo Ihr zwei,
    Sensationelle Idee !
    Ich bin jetzt schon sehr gespannt, was Ihr so Alles erleben werdet.
    Ich wünsche Euch auf dieser Reise Alles Gute. Geniesst die Zeit.
    Alles Liebe

  3. Don & Valerie Roskamp

    Read your article .
    We did Route 66 on a Harley . + many other memorable trips.
    Will follow your trip , and wish you a safe & wonderful journey

    Don & Valerie
    Chatham Ontario

  4. Curlie and Jan

    We are really enjoying your posts and glad to hear that you are having many great and positive experiences – seeing Penelope, good service re bike repair . We have enjoyed telling people about you.
    Bill and Emily are looking forward to your visit .
    I had a chat with Mateo last week when I called re a pair of shoes that I lost ( since
    ” found ” here at home !) . He sounded good and said he was getting lots of hours at work.
    Safe and wonderful travels, love Jan

    1. winterscheidth Post author

      Thank you Jan. We had a great weekend with Penelope( you might remember her!) and Dan and Ezra. Just sitting at Tim Horton’s in Jasper checking e-mails. had a wonderful ride through the Rockies yesterday and today with the weather cooperating. Will spend the day for some hikes and then move towards the Yukon
      Love Feli and Heinz
      Really.. Mateo was chatting?

  5. Diego

    two, three times a week I am checking/looking where u are!
    Enjoy your trip! It is amazing !
    Thank you for sharing it!
    I hope the best for you in Alaska!!!
    The bikes are doing very well!

  6. Pat and Moe

    What the heck, why steering bearings? Fili’s bike last year and your bike in Montana. Stay warm.
    pat and moe

  7. Curlie and Jan

    Hi Heinz and Feli
    You two really do get around!! We are off to Temagami on Fri June 26th and will be there for most of the summer.
    Bill Kathy and family are coming up o Sunday for a week or so.
    Have a great summer and we will keep in touch when we get back to St. Thomas.

    Take care
    Curlie and Jan.

  8. Ernst

    Hi Feli and Heinz,

    We have been following you on your great trip, amazing!
    Thanks for letting us be a part.
    Everything is OK in good old Canada, except having to live through a very long election campaign.
    We are getting ready for the wedding next weekend, would be nice if you could “beam” yourselves up for the day.

    Hope Feli is feeling better soon.

    Take care!
    Ernst and Micha

    1. winterscheidth Post author

      Hey guys,
      glad you’re having fun with our blog. We just made it to the next little town Loreto and now Heinz is sick. Bummer! I’m doing ok again, so I can play nurse now lol! It’s fr… hot 35-38C and humid, espanol is improving, hihi! Have a great wedding give bride and groom a big hug and we’ll have a cerveza when we come back!!
      XO Feli

  9. Mark Harman - Motorcycle Flipper Champion

    Heinz: I have been following your adventures and it looks like it is everything you hoped for when we talked those years ago.
    Very proud of you and your wife to do this! Maybe a book deal in the works?
    The M.O.A. would love it.
    Here’s hoping the rest of the trip goes as well.
    See you back in Canada.


  10. Arno & Peer

    Hallo Heinz & Feli

    Dir lieber Heinz alles Gute zum Geburtstag und weiterhin viel Glück und

    Gesundheit auf Eurer Reise…

    Wünschen Euch von Herzen Arno & Peer

  11. Manfred Greuel

    Hallo Feli, hallo Heinz,

    viel Spaß bei Eurem Trip. Klar, wäre schön, wenn wir uns im Frühjahr mal sehen. Wenn ihr in Deutschland seid, kommt doch mal vorbei, wir wohnen immer noch im KAB-Ring 15.

    Liebe Grüße und ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest wünscht Euch


    1. winterscheidth Post author

      Hi Pat, we are in Santiago de Chile and have not moved for six days because Feli’s leg got infected after her fall from December. So we have to wait it out before we can continue.
      Cheers, Heinz

  12. Curlie and Jan

    Hi Feli and Heinz

    Have been thinking about you and hoping that your leg is responding well to the treatments ? It’s fortunate that you were in Santiago and at your cousins rather than a small out of the way place .

    All is well here – we went to see the movie ” Youth ” ( a good but rather strange piece )
    last eve and then to Bella Jack’s for dinner – a good way to get into the swing of Mexico .
    All the very best, love Jan

  13. lse

    Hallo,Ihr Lieben
    Was für eine herrliche Reise,danke für die beeindruckenden
    Fotos und die super Bericht,ich fahr immer mit
    pass auf dein Bein auf,Feli!
    Weiter gute Reise,ich denk an Euch
    Big hug,Ilse

  14. Markus Zierke

    Hallo Winterheinz,

    habe mal wieder bei euch reingesehen. Einfach toll, was ihr da macht. Wenn Ihr mal eine Tour nach Germany macht, melde Dich mal. Ich denke, dass Du weißt, dass das Kolleg zu macht. Viel Spaß noch


    1. winterscheidth Post author

      It is a little more complicated than that. Had to come back from Paraguay the same way because there is a free trade zone around Iguazu, because otherwise we Canadians need a visa for Paraguay (US $150/per person) and a visa for Brazil (US$ 100/per person). We are going to see the falls now from the Argentinean side tomorrow before moving on.
      Cheers, Heinz

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